Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment designed to provide pain relief for the body’s structural and mechanical problems. It is based on the principle that the wellbeing of an individual depends on their bones, muscles, ligaments and connective tissue functioning smoothly together.
Unlike many other treatments, an osteopath has a holistic (whole body) approach to health and aims to treat the cause and not just the effect of the problem. They will not only examine the area(s) of your body causing discomfort but take into consideration the whole body as well. This means that all areas leading to the pain are treated and not just the specific area of pain itself. With added exercises and health advice, we aim to reduce the symptoms and improve your long-term quality of life.
Osteopaths use a range of techniques affording a hands-on approach using touch, articulation, physical manipulation, stretching and soft tissue massage with the aim of:
- increasing the mobility of joints
- relieving muscular tension
- enhancing the blood and nerve supply to tissues
- helping the body’s own in-built self-healing mechanisms
And we treat more than just backs and necks. From toes to fingers, knees and ankles to wrists and elbows, we are trained to treat the whole body.
Whatever your age, treatment is specifically tailored to each individual and will be different for all.
Feel free to contact us if you’d like to discuss how osteopathy could help you.
Lisa has always helped me with my running injuries, her knowledge is second to none!!